Building Wreckers Local 1421

  • a fair wage
  • health and safety protections
  • the right to safe working conditions
  • respect, and the freedom to join together in a union
  • health care, annuity and retirement package
  • to fight for collective bargaining rights
  • to stand up for laws that acknowledge the contributions   of Immigrants. 

Our members earn more--government statistics show that the
 average pay for union construction worker is more than 50%
 above that of non-union construction worker. Our collective
 bargain agreement treats all members equally.

Jim McCue
President/ Business Manager

Our Commitment

Like a good Union we want the best for you and your family. Our office is efficient, honest and is seeking to achieve remarkable results every year.

Officers and Staff

Jim McCue-President/ Business Manager

Kerry Arsenault - Vice President
Anthony Repetto - Secretary Treasurer

Glenn Troy - Recording Secretary

Nick Santoro - Field Rep / Sergeant-at-arms

Sovang Pho - Auditor

Clint Arsenault - Auditor

Leonardo Lopez - Auditor

Angel R. Lopez - Executive Board Member 

Ken Pham - Executive Board Member

Edward Arsenault - Executive Board Member

District Council Delegates

Jim McCue - District Council Delegate

Edward Arsenault - District Council Delegate

Glenn Troy - District Council Delegate

Angel R. Lopez - District Council Delegate
Nancy A. Troy-Office Manager 
Ashley Troy- Admin. Assist. to the President

Norma Perez- Administrative Assistant / Translator

Local 1421  is tailored to assist and educate our members on all union related activities. This Local remains on the cutting edge of  investing in our union members growth.  We stay well-informed and continually adapt to the ever-changing world of economic challenges. This is why Unions are the best choice when it comes to the labor movement.

​Nick Santoro

Field Rep

Tony Repetto

Secretary Treasurer

Our Record 

Our consistent record of working hard for our members instills
confidence and trust. We are proud to be LIUNA members and
we strongly believe that everyone who works deserves: